Product Development: 5 Types Of Inventions You Should Run Dynamometer Tests On

For larger vehicles like cars and trucks, dynamometers are used to test the torque and power of an engine. These same testing devices are also made in small scale sizes to help develop and regulate power needs. When you're developing new products, it's important to test out small items like AC engines and motors in the devices. By understanding the power of a small motor, you can tweak the item and adjust the expectations. By implementing proper dynamometer (dyno) testing, you can ensure that your product works safely and can move into a full production process. The testing can show full statistics for motor performance, speeds, and torque. Using these power guidelines, you can see if the motors will work properly for a variety of applications. The following five types of products will likely use AC motors and should be properly tested to understand the power and torque that is created.

Cooking Products

Blenders, microwaves, and a number of other cooking devices often use small motors to operate correctly. If you're developing a new cooking product, then it's crucial to have accurate testing through a dyno. For example, if you're developing some sort of food processor, a weak motor will not properly operate blades that can cut through food. The motor testing will help you figure out what type of motor to use and if power increases are needed.

Motors that are too powerful could have a difference on a product too. For example, if you're developing a spinning deep fryer, a motor that is too powerful could cause oil to spray out or food to not cook properly. The detailed results of a dyno will help you make the most effective cooking product.

Garden Equipment

Everyone is looking for a new way to trim lawns and create beautiful landscaping. If you're developing some type of garden equipment, then the dyno testing is essential for a product that will work effectively. For example, any type of blade operation needs a motor that doesn't operate too fast. This could lead to torn up grass and ruined landscapes. Plus, you do not want to have all of the motors purchased before the full testing is complete. It will increase the budget and add to a lot to your start-up costs.


Toy safety is extremely important, especially because they are mainly used by children. A number of different toys use small motors, including dolls, interactive action figures, and remote control cars. Testing and regulating toy motors is extremely important for passing safety measures. By using a dyno, the motors can be tested to ensure proper operation. If your unique toy product is developed and recalled, you could be forced to replace a majority of the motors. For example, if you create an electric car track, a motor that is too fast could send cars flying off the track and potentially harm children.

Personal Vehicles

Personal vehicles like hover boards and scooters use electric motors to regulate speed and safety. As you develop a new vehicle, you want to ensure that it has the proper power and torque to operate correctly. A dyno test can not only check the power and torque of the motor, but it can also check brake speed. This is another great safety feature that ensures a vehicle will operate correctly. If a vehicle has a motor that runs too slow, it will not deliver the power that a person wants. If the motor is too fast, it could create safety issues and lead to future problems for your product. For example, if you're developing an electric standing scooter, speeds of 5 miles per hour will not be fast enough to carry a person and glide the scooter along. Anything over 15 miles per hours may be considered too fast and dangerous for a person to ride on.

Office Supplies & Products

A number of office supplies use small motors to operate correctly. This includes pencil sharpeners, printers, and computer accessories. To help regulate power and ensure proper operation, it's important to use dyno testing for any office supply motors. Computer operations require a lot of different power elements, so it's important to check out the motor testing first. If the motor fails in a product you're developing, you may not be able to move on from that stage and get a working model.

By investing a little extra into your dyno testing, you can ensure that you do not run into motor problems later down the line. It will help you create a smooth product development and hopefully lead to a successful launch.

For more information and details, contact a company that specializes in dyno testing, such as Power Test Inc..
