Frequently Asked Questions About A Lowboy Dumpster Rental

If you need to dispose of broken-up cement, broken-up asphalt, rocks, or dirt, you can rent a dumpster to get rid of this material quickly. However, these materials cannot go in dumpsters that are designed for household waste. Instead, you need to rent a dumpster called a lowboy. If this is your first time renting this type of dumpster, you may have a few questions about it. Here are a few of the questions you may have about a lowboy dumpster rental and the answers.

How Does a Lowboy Dumpster Compare to a Traditional Dumpster?

The lowboy dumpster was given its name because the walls of the container are typically a bit lower than those of a traditional dumpster. This makes it a bit easier to get items such as rocks and gravel into the container. However, the wall height may vary from company to company, so always ask the company you are looking to rent from how tall the walls are in their lowboy dumpsters.

How Big is a Lowboy Dumpster?

The majority of lowboy dumpsters are designed to hold 10 cubic yards of waste. And because of this, you will occasionally hear these dumpsters referred to as 10-yard dumpsters. However, their dimensions may vary slightly from one company to another. Some companies offer a 3.5 foot high, 8 foot wide by 13 foot long dumpster, while others offer a three foot high by 8 foot wide by 16 foot long or even 20 foot long version. Once again, it is important to ask the company you are renting from what the dimensions are of the dumpster you will be renting. This helps you to ensure that it will fit in your driveway, or whatever space you intend on having it set down on.

Are There Weight Limits When it Comes to a Lowboy Dumpster Rental?

There are always weight limits when it comes to any dumpster rental, and a lowboy dumpster is no exception. The maximum legal road weight for a dumpster is 12 tons, or 24,000 pounds. As such, your filled dumpster can never weigh more than this. In addition to this, individual companies may set their own limits based on the towing capacity of their trucks. If you exceed the amount of weight set forth by a company, you may be asked to divide your load into multiple dumpsters, or you may be asked to pay a substantial overweight fee. The information regarding weight will always be listed in your rental contract.

What Types of Materials Can Be Placed in a Lowboy Dumpster?

When you get a lowboy dumpster rental, you are asked to place only inert masonry materials inside. This includes items such as asphalt, bricks, ceramic and clay tile, concrete, dirt, gravel, plaster, and stucco. These items cannot be mixed with household goods or other types of construction material. The reason for this is that these items are disposed of differently at the landfill. These materials can often be broken down into smaller pieces, which helps them take up less space when they are disposed of. Secondly, many of these items, including concrete and asphalt, can be recycled and reused. This helps keep them out of landfills and other disposal sites. If you have a question as to whether something should go in a lowboy rental, always ask the rental company before placing it inside.

If you are breaking up an old patio or driveway or getting rid of gravel in your yard, you may be looking to rent a dumpster. This prevents you from having to take multiple trips to the dump. However, you will need a lowboy dumpster rental for these materials. Getting answers to the questions you have about this type of dumpster will help you to know what to expect when the dumpster arrives and what you can place inside of it. For more information on dumpster rental services, check out websites like
